Privacy Policy

Please read the privacy policy and the terms and conditions carefully before using the App (or menu) or the website to obtain our services. By using “or menu” or our website, you accept the below privacy policy and the terms and conditions and the amendments and updates that may be made thereto in accordance with the legal provisions. The amendments and updates shall be also effective when published on the App. The User's continued access to the services shall be deemed an acceptance on complying with the privacy policy and the terms and conditions as amended, and the date of the last update thereof shall be stated.


The following terms, wherever mentioned in these terms and conditions and the privacy policy, shall have the meanings ascribed thereto hereunder unless the context indicates otherwise

or menu : A trade name and trademark duly registered and owned by: ................. Company, under C.R. No.: 1010623644 Address: Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Building No.: 4110

User : The person who creates an account on “or menu” or benefits from its services. It may also refer to any person present or browsing the App in accordance with the terms and conditions that apply thereto.

Store : Any of the restaurants, bakeries, pastry shops, cafes, and others that present their menus and products on “or menu”.

Products : The products that are presented and sold through stores.

App : “or menu” through which the user can access and benefit from services.

Privet Policy

If you choose to use our services, you shall agree to the collection and utilization of information in connection with this policy. The purpose of using the collected personal information is to provide the service and improve other purposes described in this policy. We shall neither use nor share your information with anyone except as described in this privacy policy. Information and data to be obtained, processed, or maintained by the App in its electronic systems

• User's personal information, such as name, date of birth, gender, email, phone number, national ID number or Iqama number, address, or location.

• Information for logging in to the App, such as username, password, email, and phone number.

• Orders history and dates, issued invoices, delivery addresses, App and store ratings history.

• Technical support conversations and incoming and outgoing communications with the customer service department

• Payment information, for the purpose of the company responsible for payments performing its assigned duties.

• Device information and its access data.

• Cookies

For the following purposes - as appropriate:

• Complete, implement, and develop services.

• Evaluate and improve quality, and address problems.

• Comply with regulatory or legal requirements

• Provide the stores with them to start providing the service to the user

• Providers of data processing and analysis services that are committed to laws and regulations related to data protection

• Providers of professional services such as: lawyers, accountants, and others to deal with claims, disputes, or for commitment and compliance with legal procedures, as required by regulatory authorities

• Specialists in processing and facilitating payment portals

• Marketing service providers

• Reduce and prevent fraud and enhance security and safety

• Apply for promotions, check eligibility for codes, etc

• Negotiate with other entities and companies regarding a merger, acquisition, sale, restructuring, etc

The user has the right to refrain from accepting the App's collection or utilization of certain information for which the App requires the user's acceptance to access; however, refraining from such acceptance will result in not using the service or feature that requires accessing the information.

The user may not revoke receiving notifications or notices related to the provision of the service

The user has the right to opt out of receiving promotional messages via email.

The user has the right to access, modify, update, and take a copy thereof on an ongoing basis.

The user has the right to request deletion of his personal data; nevertheless, there are regulatory and legal periods for retaining some data that the App shall adhere to and observe.

The App has the right to change, modify, cancel, or update all or part of the privacy policy at any time for the purpose of complying with any technical or regulatory obligations that are issued or created, and the user shall be notified of any material change.

Terms and Conditions

• App Services: Providing a service of linking the user to the store by presenting store interactive food menus and creating and completing orders through it, using Flying Menu Technology to have an exceptional experience. The user can also order before arriving (pre-order) or order through the car ordering area (Drive Thru) or through the open areas designated for food (food courts) in malls, airports, etc...

• The App is not concerned with selling the products presented on the stores’ menus, and it has nothing to do with their production, manufacturing, preparation, supervision, or monitor

• The App is not responsible for the safety, quality, legality, or reliability of the products or changes that may occur in their price lists and specifications. In addition, the App is not responsible for any damage or loss arising from such products

• Responsibility for compliance with the rules, laws, and regulations regulating store activities is the responsibility of the store only

• The user must acknowledge the validity of the information and data entered when logging in the App and shall bear all losses that may arise due to an error in entering the information or data or failing to update such. The user shall also undertake to preserve such information and data and notify the App upon becoming aware of any unauthorized or illegal use or access, by any means, to the services, own account, password, name, address, or saved payment methods

• The user must be 18+ years old with full legal capacity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

• The user shall acknowledge not to use the App for illegal purposes and shall bear responsibility for all actions or activities that arise from own account on the App

• The user may not assign the account or transfer ownership thereof to any other person or entity

• The App has the right to create promotional codes and set special conditions therefor

• The App has the right not to publish or show comments that are offensive or that violate laws, legislation, or public morals.

• All comments are neither representing the opinion of the App nor the company owner. The App may not be responsible for the claims or losses resulting from such comments

• The user may cancel the order after being accepted by the store and after the payment process is completed only in accordance with the policy of the store and after communicating therewith directly

• The App has the right to cancel the order if there is any incorrect information or data related to the user, such as: address, phone number, etc

• The App has the right to change, modify, cancel, or create all or part of its provided services for the purpose of development or improvement

• The App has the right to temporarily or permanently stop for maintenance or for any other reason

• The user shall respect and not violate IP regulations, noting that the App will take the necessary measures regarding infringement or encroachment

• All IP rights are protected under the laws or regulations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

• The App has the right to change, modify, cancel, or create all or part of the terms and conditions at any time for the purpose of complying with any technical or regulatory obligations issued or created.

• The user shall bear full responsibility in case of violating any of these terms and conditions

Applicable Laws

• These terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted pursuant to the laws, regulations, and legislation in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

• Any dispute arising from or relating to applying these terms and conditions shall be amicably settled; in case of failing to do so, such dispute shall be settled through the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Complaints and Correspondence

• The App shall receive complaints, notes, and inquiries throughout the week from 8 am to 8 pm via: Tell: 920020295, e-mail: [email protected] , WhatsApp: 0533138628 Or through the application's help section.



Southern Ring Branch , Al Mansurah Dist، 24.606791,46,758102، Riyadh 12694

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